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Charity Committee Meeting Tuesday 13th December - Lecture Theatre

Successes of this term

- Christmas jumper day

- After school quiz

- House Music and Carol concert raised some money.

- Sam S and Peter to count up total raised over lunch.

- Xmas market to raise money tomorrow.

- Involvement of people with Launchpad important – long-term partnership. (e.g. talking at Commemoration)

Unused ideas to recycle (?)

- Art exhibition

- Wear your own tie

- Table football/pool/darts competition.

- £290 from FIFA tournament is net total.

Plans for future

- Green Park Challenge – push through before end of term. Lots of engagement with boys in lower years, get done by Wednesday, send invoice off by Friday.


Mrs Honickberg and Peter Drew to take money to bank money directly with charities.

Need monthly and half-termly total – people who don’t feel overburdened to help out. Mrs Honickberg happy to be member of staff who helps with finances.

Reuben Bichan and Seth Peiris to help Peter this lunchtime.

Year 9

- In Student Leadership lessons, competition across whole year to fundraise money for charity.

- Which small group can raise most money for one of five charities of their choice.

- Need Charity Committee members to explain this to Year 9s in assembly, help them bank money.

- 1-2 helpers for assembly, set rules of competition and liaise with charity leads like Peter Drew: Rhim Shah, Alessandro to talk to Kendrick to find out how they have done this in the past.

- Can use some Reading Foundation money as seed fund for these small groups.

Use of foundation money

- Training for boys in younger years

- Costs/overheads/prizes for individual fundraising events (£250 in safe as a float, on condition it comes back in).

- Seed money.

- Inspire lecture from fundraiser (travel costs) to Charity Committee and others.

- Mrs Honickberg to look into this.

- Please send Tads any further ideas before Friday 16th December!

- Charity reps to ask charities directly – how can we help you?

- Sam M to talk to Kiran, Will H and Reuben Beechan about teacher quiz.

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